Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo, and the BEWD In Space!

Anyways, onto the Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo episode, if you’ll recall correctly, Jinzo first Image result for Jinzoappeared in a pretty early episode of Yugioh where Joey Wheeler was playing in a duel against Espa Roza, the green haired, skater dude styled nutjob looking character that played Jizno, as well as other machine/psychedelic type Yugioh cards. Overall, it turned out that he was cheating and actually had his twin brothers (also with green hair for some reason….gee wiz this show is hilarious) looking up at his opponents cards with binoculars and that he was faking.
Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo, and Other Cool Stuff the Blue Eyes White Dragon Has Done

Before we get into the Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo blog post in total, just wanted to say that I just found out that there is now Blue Eyes White Dragon Cereal, Blue Eyes White Dragon Funko Pop, Blue Eyes White Dragon Breakfast Bars, Blue Eyes White Chocolate, and Blue Eyes White Dragon T-Shirts, man how cool is this Konami/Yugioh style branding!

Anyway, I bring this episode up because in this episode, Espa Rosa summons the all powerful Jinzo, which not only has 2400 attack points, but which also gets powered up by Espa to 2900 attack points, giving it the attack power of a Blue Eyes White Dragon. On top of this however, Jinzo has a remarkedly powerful special ability, in that the monster destroys all trap cards on the field, and is entirely impervious to trap cards. In fact, in the episode, Joey Wheeler tries to use trap cards against it, before the powerful monster uses its trap card laser beams to destroy every trap card on his side of the field, nearly crushing his deck as a whole. As in every single Yugioh episode though, Joey wheeler ended up pulling out a near miracle and winning the duel, I believe by using soul exchange to sacrifice Jinzo in exchange for his ultra powerful Red Eyes Black Dragon, before attacking Espa’s life points directly with it. Overall, it was a pretty good episode.

Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo

I titled the blog post this because the Blue Eyes White Dragon actually fought Jinzo once, and absolutely crushed him! It was when Kaiba was playing against the fish guy with his deck master as Jinzo, which I believe was a disgruntled former employee from the Kaiba Corp corporation or something like that. Anyways, what happened was that the guy had a monster card that was a satellite with 3000 attack points, eventually Kaiba would power up his Blue Eyes White Dragon, have him fly into outer space and blast down the satellite with burst stream, winning Kaiba the duel, watching the Blue Eyes White Dragon go into space was something that I thought was the coolest thing ever when I was a kid! Nuff Said.



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