Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Red Eyes Black Dragon, My Favorite Scene with the card

The Red Eyes Black Dragon, My All Time Favorite Scene Where Joey Wheeler Plays this Card Within the Game

In this blog post, we'll look at why the Red Eyes Black Dragon can be among the strongest cards in the game of Yugioh, and also why you should have it in your deck, and of why Yugi Moto was likely keeping it in his deck for so long for the Semi Finals against Seto Kaiba. Check out the video below to learn more:



Why I Think The Heart of the Cards is Well...Overall...Kinda Stupid

Why I Don't Necessarily Like the Heart of the Cards in Yugioh

Ah yes, the heart of the cards, one of my least favorite things in the game of Yugioh. While I don't necessarily like this facet of the game of Yugioh, it is one of the most important themes of the show, however I feel that it goes right up there with the millenium items, the mystic voodoo stuff that comes along with a lot of the junk on this show, and a host of other issues that I find with this show, such as the fact that the monsters are real, or a host of other factors. Anyways, maybe some of you guys feel the same way, comment down below if you do! 



Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo, and the BEWD In Space!

Anyways, onto the Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo episode, if you’ll recall correctly, Jinzo first Image result for Jinzoappeared in a pretty early episode of Yugioh where Joey Wheeler was playing in a duel against Espa Roza, the green haired, skater dude styled nutjob looking character that played Jizno, as well as other machine/psychedelic type Yugioh cards. Overall, it turned out that he was cheating and actually had his twin brothers (also with green hair for some reason….gee wiz this show is hilarious) looking up at his opponents cards with binoculars and that he was faking.
Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo, and Other Cool Stuff the Blue Eyes White Dragon Has Done

Before we get into the Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo blog post in total, just wanted to say that I just found out that there is now Blue Eyes White Dragon Cereal, Blue Eyes White Dragon Funko Pop, Blue Eyes White Dragon Breakfast Bars, Blue Eyes White Chocolate, and Blue Eyes White Dragon T-Shirts, man how cool is this Konami/Yugioh style branding!

Anyway, I bring this episode up because in this episode, Espa Rosa summons the all powerful Jinzo, which not only has 2400 attack points, but which also gets powered up by Espa to 2900 attack points, giving it the attack power of a Blue Eyes White Dragon. On top of this however, Jinzo has a remarkedly powerful special ability, in that the monster destroys all trap cards on the field, and is entirely impervious to trap cards. In fact, in the episode, Joey Wheeler tries to use trap cards against it, before the powerful monster uses its trap card laser beams to destroy every trap card on his side of the field, nearly crushing his deck as a whole. As in every single Yugioh episode though, Joey wheeler ended up pulling out a near miracle and winning the duel, I believe by using soul exchange to sacrifice Jinzo in exchange for his ultra powerful Red Eyes Black Dragon, before attacking Espa’s life points directly with it. Overall, it was a pretty good episode.

Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Jinzo

I titled the blog post this because the Blue Eyes White Dragon actually fought Jinzo once, and absolutely crushed him! It was when Kaiba was playing against the fish guy with his deck master as Jinzo, which I believe was a disgruntled former employee from the Kaiba Corp corporation or something like that. Anyways, what happened was that the guy had a monster card that was a satellite with 3000 attack points, eventually Kaiba would power up his Blue Eyes White Dragon, have him fly into outer space and blast down the satellite with burst stream, winning Kaiba the duel, watching the Blue Eyes White Dragon go into space was something that I thought was the coolest thing ever when I was a kid! Nuff Said.



Yugi and Kaiba Double Duel

Yugi and Kaiba Double Duel, a Kick-Ass Yugioh Episode!

I really like this episode, because for the first time, bitter rivals Kaiba and Yugi, team up to face Lumis and Umbra, the team of ultra powerful rare hunters sent out by Marik to obtain Yugi and Kaiba's egyptian God Cards, watch the video below and let me know what you think, it shows the Blue Eyes White Dragon, the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the like, enjoy!


Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Dark Magician, New Video!

Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Dark Magician, My Brand New Youtube Video!

In this blog post, look at the Blue Eyes White Dragon vs the Dark Magician, and of how the many variations of each one of these powerful monsters stacks up against one another. We'll also look at my brand new Youtube video which shows a lot about both of these monsters, including card variants, their strengths and weaknesses, and a whole lot more. For more information on Yugioh and for all things the Blue Eyes White Dragon, be sure to read on or subscribe to our blog for more details and information. 

In very brief fashion, to add to this list, I'd like to say that, my top ten favorite Blue Eyes White Dragon variant monsters include the below cards:

Blue Eyes White Dragon
Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Blue Eyes Twin Burst Dragon
Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Blue Eyes Alternative White DragonImage result for dark magician
Neo Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Neo Blue Eyes White Dragon
Azure Blue Eyes White Dragon
Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight

While my ten favorite Dark Magician variations are the below cards:

1. Dark Magician
2. Dark Magician Girl
3. Dark Magician Knight
4. Dark Sage
5. Magician of Black Chaos
6. Black Luster Soldier
7. Sorcerer of Dark Magic
8. Dark Paladin
9. Gai the Fierce Knight
10. Dark Magician the Dragon Knight

Both of these cards have seriously risen to prominence and popularity in recent years, and given the high volume of monthly searches on each of these cards still, this trend doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon. Read on or subscribe to our blog for more details and information, and be sure to comment with your thoughts and opinions. 


*Blue Eyes Shining


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I Play the Blue Eyes White Dragon and Attack Rex Raptor on My Own Youtube Channel!

My Own Yugioh Youtube Channel! On this Channel, I play as Seto Kaiba and Absolutely crush Rex Raptor with my Blue Eyes White Dragon, enjoy the video guys!



Guest post video courtesy of the team over at, thanks for the video guys, very much appreciate it!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Yugi vs Evil Joey, one of my favorite episodes of the series!

Enjoy this great clip I found of Yugi beating evil Joey in a duel, he is controlled by Marik in this episode of Yugioh! No Blue Eyes Here just a good old fashioned evil friendship rivalry!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Obelisk the Tormentor Theme Song

One of my favorite songs in the entire Yugioh series would be the Obelisk the Tormentor theme song. It has such an aura of Egyptian Power to it that I just couldn't resist posting it as a blog post! Listen to the song and the Yugioh video here!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

My Top Ten Favorite Yugioh Cards of All time!

My Top Ten Favorite Yugioh Cards of All time and Why I Absolutely Love These Cards!
The following blog post will look into my top ten favorite Yugioh cards of all time, a lot of these are pretty iconic cards, and some are more what you would say are along the lines of the norm or are cliché, but nevertheless, here are my top ten favorite Yugioh cards of all time.

1.       The Blue Eyes White Dragon-I think that just about anyone could’ve guessed that I was probably going to pick the blue Eyes white dragon as my favorite Yugioh card of all time, not only does the name sound really cool, but the monster itself with its Blue dragon form, as well as its high attack power, ability to morph into other spin-off monsters that are even more powerful, like the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon, make this card my favorite of all time.
2.       Torrential Tribute-Destroys all monsters on your opponents side of the field as soon as they attack? Yeah, Nuff said
3.       The Winged Dragon of Ra-Marik Ishtar used this card quite a bit in the series, and while it isn’t exactly what powerful when you play it in the game of Duel Links, or if you use it in a real duel, man was it the most powerful Yugioh card of all time in the show!
4.       The Blue Eyes Shining Dragon – Beat all the Egyptian God Cards, plus the name is totally just amazing.
5.       Ragnarok – Yugi used this card to defeat Marik and the Winged Dragon of Ra, so of course I’m going to fall in love with this card.
6.       Embodiment of Apophus- This might be kind of a weird card for me to love. If you recall correctly, this card was first seen in season 2 of Yugioh and was played regularly by Odion, who was impersonating Evil Marik Ishtar and helping him out with his quest for world domination at the time. It is really good for defending your life points, in that it is a trap card that becomes a monster, it can also help you to really go on the attack!

7.       Ryroku – This isn’t much of an iconic monster card, and in fact not that many people have heard of this card. Nevertheless, the card is super powerful, it halves the monsters attack power that you are attacking and ads it to yours, so you will literally always win even if your monster only has one attack point. Let’s say I have a simple Kuriboh, fighting a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. When I play Rirkoku against him, My 300 points, will go to a 2550, while the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon will have 2250 attack points (half of 4500), so bye bye Blue Eyes, a great card to have up your sleeve!
8.       Pot of Greed – Love Draw Engines, even if the card is totally banned.
9.       Mirror Force – Another really great trap card, the fun thing about this one is that it halves the monsters attack that is attacking you. Sometimes what I really like to do with this card is to haver someone attack me, get mirror forced so they get cut in half, then summon a Blue Eyes White Dragon really fast and attack them with 2 Riryoku’s,, killing their life points immediately!
10.   Slifer the Sky Dragon – Since I absolutely love draw engine decks, something about having Slifer the Sky Dragon in my deck makes the game a lot of fun for me, especially if you are using it while playing with friends and have the old 40 card deck rule. Overall, a really cool card, and if you blend it with a few magic cards that allow you to move past the 6 card limit, then the attack points of this thing can turn into like 20,000 attack points real fast! The coolest thing I’ve ever seen in a Yugioh Image result for sliferepisode was when Yugi was playing against a rare hunter, and his slifer the sky dragon hit like 25,000 attack points, cool episode indeed, link to the video is above!

Cheers guys, and make sure to subscribe for more blog posts and updated on all things Yugioh!
My Top Ten Favorite Yugioh Cards of All time and Why I Absolutely Love These Cards!
The following blog post will look into my top ten favorite Yugioh cards of all time, a lot of these are pretty iconic cards, and some are more what you would say are along the lines of the norm or are cliché, but nevertheless, here are my top ten favorite Yugioh cards of all time.

1.       The Blue Eyes White Dragon-I think that just about anyone could’ve guessed that I was probably going to pick the blue Eyes white dragon as my favorite Yugioh card of all time, not only does the name sound really cool, but the monster itself with its Blue dragon form, as well as its high attack power, ability to morph into other spin-off monsters that are even more powerful, like the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon, make this card my favorite of all time.
2.       Torrential Tribute-Destroys all monsters on your opponents side of the field as soon as they attack? Yeah, Nuff said
3.       The Winged Dragon of Ra-Marik Ishtar used this card quite a bit in the series, and while it isn’t exactly what powerful when you play it in the game of Duel Links, or if you use it in a real duel, man was it the most powerful Yugioh card of all time in the show!
4.       The Blue Eyes Shining Dragon – Beat all the Egyptian God Cards, plus the name is totally just amazing.
5.       Ragnarok – Yugi used this card to defeat Marik and the Winged Dragon of Ra, so of course I’m going to fall in love with this card.
6.       Embodiment of Apophus- This might be kind of a weird card for me to love. If you recall correctly, this card was first seen in season 2 of Yugioh and was played regularly by Odion, who was impersonating Evil Marik Ishtar and helping him out with his quest for world domination at the time. It is really good for defending your life points, in that it is a trap card that becomes a monster, it can also help you to really go on the attack!
7.       Ryroku – This isn’t much of an iconic monster card, and in fact not that many people have heard of this card. Nevertheless, the card is super powerful, it halves the monsters attack power that you are attacking and ads it to yours, so you will literally always win even if your monster only has one attack point. Let’s say I have a simple Kuriboh, fighting a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. When I play Rirkoku against him, My 300 points, will go to a 2550, while the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon will have 2250 attack points (half of 4500), so bye bye Blue Eyes, a great card to have up your sleeve!
8.       Pot of Greed – Love Draw Engines, even if the card is totally banned.
9.       Mirror Force – Another really great trap card, the fun thing about this one is that it halves the monsters attack that is attacking you. Sometimes what I really like to do with this card is to haver someone attack me, get mirror forced so they get cut in half, then summon a Blue Eyes White Dragon really fast and attack them with 2 Riryoku’s,, killing their life points immediately!
10.   Slifer the Sky Dragon – Since I absolutely love draw engine decks, something about having Slifer the Sky Dragon in my deck makes the game a lot of fun for me, especially if you are using it while playing with friends and have the old 40 card deck rule. Overall, a really cool card, and if you blend it with a few magic cards that allow you to move past the 6 card limit, then the attack points of this thing can turn into like 20,000 attack points real fast! The coolest thing I’ve ever seen in a Yugioh episode was when Yugi was playing against a rare hunter, and his slifer the sky dragon hit like 25,000 attack points, cool episode indeed, link to the video is above!

Cheers guys, and make sure to subscribe for more blog posts and updated on all things Yugioh!

Kaiba Uses Fang of Critas, Didn't Know It Was In His Deck!

Hey friends, in the following Yugioh Episode, the all powerful Seto Kaiba finds a card in his deck that he didn't even know was in there, watch the video and let us know what you think and yes, it involves the Blue Eyes White Dragon!



Evil Kaiba vs Yami Yugi, a Fun Episode of Yugioh!

Evil Seto Kaiba vs Yami Yugi! Watch the show to see who wins!

Blast from the past fellow Yugioh fans, as they say in the show, and in this episode of the show specifically! In the following blog post, evil Kaiba, also known as ghost Kaiba, plays his Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and attacks Yami Yugi moto with both Burst Stream and the White Lightning Attack, meanwhile the real Seto Kaiba sits behind a computer screen trying to help Yugi out. Watch the video for more details and information, I remember watching this video when I was a little kid and being super interested, as well as kinda freaked out by the evil guy, cheers!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Dark Magician vs Blue Eyes White Dragon! Who Wins?

The Dark Magician (Spirit of Yami Yugi) vs The Blue Eyes White Dragon (Spirit of Seto Kaiba) Who Wins?

Image result for blue eyes white dragon vs dark magician

Yes, we're doing a Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Dark Magician Analysis, enjoy!

Why I Think the Blue Eyes White Dragon is the Better, Cooler, and Stronger Card, Due to It's Combined Effects, But Why The Dark Magician is Actually Secretly Stronger

If we were comparing these 2 cards to something, they would essentially be the Patriots and the Giants, or the Patriots and the Eagles. Sure, sometimes the Patriots choke due to blind luck, stupidity, or issues with the "heart of the cards" fallacy, but overall, they are a stronger team regardless, and no matter how many times they played the New York Giants, would likely win 8/10 times. This is true of the Blue Eyes White Dragon (the Patriots, if you didn't get the metaphor) and the Dark Magician, all the same, in that even though the Dark Magician and its magic cards/trap cards, and add-ons, such as the Dark Magician Girl, Black Luster Soldier, Magician of Black Chaos, etc. etc. have won occasionally in the past (see the semi-finals of the domino city tournament for Dark Paladin the Ultimate Magical swordsman vs. the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon separated by De-Fusion) overall, Blue Eyes Ultimately wins.

And that, is the words of Reddit and Pewdie Pie, I'm a Blue Eyes White Dragon and You're Just a Dark Magician!

Blue Eyes White Dragon, Yugioh's Most Popular Trading Card!

To begin this blog post on the almighty Blue Eyes White Dragon, let’s first start with the reason this is one of my all time favorite Yugioh cards, and why it is one of the absolute most powerful cards in duel monsters. To start off, the Blue Eyes White Dragon has been around the show of Yugioh duel monsters since episode 1, it has an attack power of 3000 Image result for Blue Eyes White Dragonattack points and 2500 defense points, and it has been used by the likes of Seto Kaiba, Yugi Moto, Yami Yugi, the pharos of ancient Egypt in the Yugioh past, and the like of powerful characters within the show. It was also used by Yugi’s Grandfather, who had the fourth copy of the ultra-rare Blue Eyes White Dragon. In the TV series, Seto Kaiba, the secondary main character of the show, even went so far as to beat up Yugi’s grandfather for the last copy of this card, heck of a show that we’ve got our kids watching here!
Blue Eyes White Dragon, The Most Popular Monster Card in the Game of Yugioh and My Personal Favorite All-Time Card in the Duel Monsters Pick!

Anyways, aside from some of the wacky antics surrounding this card, it can be used to summon the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, which has 4500 attack points and 3800 defense points, it can be used to re-incarnate into the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon which is practically immortal, or into the Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, which is very close to the same. Overall, here are some of my favorite scenes featuring the Blue Eyes White Dragon within the show:

-Kaiba Plays Blue Eyes Shining Dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie (Pyramid of Light)
-Evil Kaiba’s spirit uses Blue Eyes White Dragon, playing it in one turn with no sacrifices under Duelist Kingdom tournament rules, in order to wipe out Yugi Moto’s strongest card, the Dark Magician!

-Kaiba plays 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons together in order to combine and make the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon while threatening to step off a ledge so that he can save his younger brother who was kidnapped by Pegasus, again, what a great show!

-Kaiba plays three blue eyes white dragons, or gets them played against him I should say, while he is dueling his own deck in the form of a machine with the power turned all the way on. He plays Obelisk the Tormentor and wipes it out, destroying the machines life points with Obelisk’s special ability of inflicting 4000 points of damage onto its opponent!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Yugi Plays Slifer the Sky Dragon

Yugi Moto Plays Slifer the Sky Dragon versus Yami Bakura

The following blog post is when Yugi Moto plays his Egyptian God Card, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and uses it to absolutely crush Yami Bakura at the last minute. The reason he needed to draw this card at the last second was that he was about to lose the duel due to Yami Bakura's Dark Necrofear, as well as his "F.I.N.A.L." card that wins you the duel, much in the same way that Exodia does, if you get all 5 of those trap cards on the field. Overall, one of my favorite episodes, and I hope you enjoy it too! Stay tuned for more details and information about all great Yugioh cards, like the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon!

Blue Eyes White Dragon Theme Song, the Seto Kaiba Song

Blue Eyes White Dragon Theme Song, the Seto Kaiba Song!

The Seto Kaiba and Blue Eyes White Dragon theme song is definitely one of my all time favorite theme songs, in that it reminds me not only of coding, hacking and computers, but also of Seto Kaiba, Yugioh and my childhood. The song is also iconic and is frequently played when Kaiba summons the Blue Eyes White Dragon, the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon, enjoy! 

And remember, Seto Kaiba is super smart, if you want to be like Seto Kaiba, you'll need to go to the best schools!

The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, one of my all time favorite Cards!

The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Why This is One of My Absolute Favorite Yugioh Cards!

Hey guys, in today’s blog post, I will look into the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and will discuss how the card is extremely powerful, how it can be created, how it can be powered up even more or used to summon the mighty Blue Eyes Shining Dragon, and much much more. For more details and information on all things Yugioh, Yugioh cards, Yugioh episodes, and the like, be sure to subscribe to our blog for free samples of Yugioh cards incoming in the future, until then, cheers guys, and enjoy the blog post!

What is the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon?

The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is a super, super super fun card to play in the realm of Yugioh, and I personally have used this card a lot before when using it to duel with my friends. What I typically do is add a lot of draw power to my deck, something like the pot of greed or other draw engine cards, like the mathematician. From there, I would go ahead Image result for blue eyes ultimate dragonand put 3 blue eyes white dragons in my deck, and would also add come cards that would allow me to summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon relatively quickly, such as the kidmodo dragon. This is something of a biased blog post, in that the Blue Eyes White Dragon is by far and away my favorite Yugioh card, and I typically like to run Blue Eyes White Dragon decks because they are very entertaining to run. On that note, let’s move on to the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

When Did the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon First Appear?

The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, often times abbreviated in the Yugioh world as BEUD, or BEWD, for the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and the Blue Eyes WhiteDragon, is created by fusing 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons together. From there, polymerization can be activated once 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons are either in your field or in your hand, allowing you to summon the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, which has 4500 attack points, and 3800 defense points, and which is nearly impossible to beat if you don’t have an Egyptian God Card, or some darn good trap cards in your deck. From there, if you want to be really secure, you can sacrifice the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to play the Blue Eyes ShiningDragon!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Why I Personally Hate The Blue Eyes Toon Dragon

The Blue Eyes Toon Dragon is a yugioh card that I don’t necessarily like in that, first off, the card is unplayable unless Toon World is on the field, and in fact the card will get absolutely destroyed right quick if you have that continuous magic card destroyed. On top of that, the card practically sucks! It has no power ups, its only special effect is negative, Image result for blue eyes toon dragonand it has the same exact number of attack points as the Blue Eyes White Dragon, which is 3000 ATK points, 2500 Defense points. The one good thing about the toon blue eyes white dragon, is that if your opponent does not have a toon blue eyes white dragon, or any other toon card on their field, then it can attack your opponents life points directly. You do still however need to sacrifice two monsters to get this card on the field, and will also need to pay 500 life points each time you attack, even if you are just attacking a monster on your opponents side of the field. Now if there was a blue eyes ultimate toon dragon, or a blue eyes shining toon dragon, then maybe we’d be talking, otherwise, leave this Blue Eyes Toon Dragon in the dust where it belongs.

The Blue Eyes Toon Dragon, and Why I Actually Hate This Yugioh Card And It’s Annoyance!

The following blog post will look at the Blue Eyes Toon Dragon, but will discuss why I absolutely despise this Yugioh Card! If you like this blog post and want to hear more about all things yugioh, and all things Blue Eyes White Dragon, Blue Eyes Shining Dragon and Blue Eyes Toon Dragon related, than be sure to subscribe to our blog for additional details and information regarding all things yugioh and the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Why I Hate This Blue Eyes White Dragon Trump Card, The Blue Eyes Toon Dragon!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

What is the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon?

I personally love the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon, in that I think the card's portrayal was really really cool in the movie Yugioh, Pyramid of light. I also enjoyed the way that the card can destroy any card on your opponents side of the field, and also negate all magic, trap or monster effect cards that are Image result for blue eyes shining dragonused against it with its Shining Diffusion. I personally love blue eyes white dragons of all kinds, and was definitely the first of my friends to grab the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon trading card once it first came out. I like the near immortality of the card, I like the card image and the card design, the whole 9 yards. 

What is the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon?

In the following blog post, we'll look at exactly what is the blue eyes shining dragon, and of how you can absolutely 100% of the time use it to defeat your opponents! The blue eyes shining dragon is only summoned by playing the Blue eyes ultimate dragon, which is summoned by combining 3 blue eyes white dragons and a polymerization, and which is then sacrificed to play the mighty blue eyes shining dragon. 

Why The Blue Eyes Shining Dragon is My Favorite Yugioh Card

Why The Blue Eyes Shining Dragon Actually Is Not That Good!

In my own personal experience with using this extremely powerful dragon card when playing Yugioh matches, it is actually unproductive within the game for how cool of a card I find it. First off, it is extremely difficult, and I mean EXTREMELY difficult, to summon the card. The Blue Eyes Shining Dragon literally requires you to either A. Build your entire deck around the Blue Eyes White Dragon, and around draw power and the whole 9 yards there, in order to summon the card, and it also is not entirely unbeatable once it is on the field. There are plenty of Big Hero decks that have quashed my card when playing Yugioh Duel Links online, in that they can summon monsters that have as much as 6000 attack points! A simple Five God Dragon, or Five Headed Dragon as it is frequently called, or a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon without any power ups, or even just with a few simple power ups such as invigoriation or simple dragon power ups, can easily beat the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon on nothing but pure attack points alone. Great card, love him to death, but overall not that effective if you’re trying to be a Duel Monsters Champion.