Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Dark Magician vs Blue Eyes White Dragon! Who Wins?

The Dark Magician (Spirit of Yami Yugi) vs The Blue Eyes White Dragon (Spirit of Seto Kaiba) Who Wins?

Image result for blue eyes white dragon vs dark magician

Yes, we're doing a Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Dark Magician Analysis, enjoy!

Why I Think the Blue Eyes White Dragon is the Better, Cooler, and Stronger Card, Due to It's Combined Effects, But Why The Dark Magician is Actually Secretly Stronger

If we were comparing these 2 cards to something, they would essentially be the Patriots and the Giants, or the Patriots and the Eagles. Sure, sometimes the Patriots choke due to blind luck, stupidity, or issues with the "heart of the cards" fallacy, but overall, they are a stronger team regardless, and no matter how many times they played the New York Giants, would likely win 8/10 times. This is true of the Blue Eyes White Dragon (the Patriots, if you didn't get the metaphor) and the Dark Magician, all the same, in that even though the Dark Magician and its magic cards/trap cards, and add-ons, such as the Dark Magician Girl, Black Luster Soldier, Magician of Black Chaos, etc. etc. have won occasionally in the past (see the semi-finals of the domino city tournament for Dark Paladin the Ultimate Magical swordsman vs. the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon separated by De-Fusion) overall, Blue Eyes Ultimately wins.

And that, is why...in the words of Reddit and Pewdie Pie, I'm a Blue Eyes White Dragon and You're Just a Dark Magician!

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