Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Blue Eyes White Dragon, Yugioh's Most Popular Trading Card!

To begin this blog post on the almighty Blue Eyes White Dragon, let’s first start with the reason this is one of my all time favorite Yugioh cards, and why it is one of the absolute most powerful cards in duel monsters. To start off, the Blue Eyes White Dragon has been around the show of Yugioh duel monsters since episode 1, it has an attack power of 3000 Image result for Blue Eyes White Dragonattack points and 2500 defense points, and it has been used by the likes of Seto Kaiba, Yugi Moto, Yami Yugi, the pharos of ancient Egypt in the Yugioh past, and the like of powerful characters within the show. It was also used by Yugi’s Grandfather, who had the fourth copy of the ultra-rare Blue Eyes White Dragon. In the TV series, Seto Kaiba, the secondary main character of the show, even went so far as to beat up Yugi’s grandfather for the last copy of this card, heck of a show that we’ve got our kids watching here!
Blue Eyes White Dragon, The Most Popular Monster Card in the Game of Yugioh and My Personal Favorite All-Time Card in the Duel Monsters Pick!

Anyways, aside from some of the wacky antics surrounding this card, it can be used to summon the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, which has 4500 attack points and 3800 defense points, it can be used to re-incarnate into the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon which is practically immortal, or into the Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, which is very close to the same. Overall, here are some of my favorite scenes featuring the Blue Eyes White Dragon within the show:

-Kaiba Plays Blue Eyes Shining Dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie (Pyramid of Light)
-Evil Kaiba’s spirit uses Blue Eyes White Dragon, playing it in one turn with no sacrifices under Duelist Kingdom tournament rules, in order to wipe out Yugi Moto’s strongest card, the Dark Magician!

-Kaiba plays 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons together in order to combine and make the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon while threatening to step off a ledge so that he can save his younger brother who was kidnapped by Pegasus, again, what a great show!

-Kaiba plays three blue eyes white dragons, or gets them played against him I should say, while he is dueling his own deck in the form of a machine with the power turned all the way on. He plays Obelisk the Tormentor and wipes it out, destroying the machines life points with Obelisk’s special ability of inflicting 4000 points of damage onto its opponent!

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